Monthly Archives:August 2014

Kid’s Bedroom Furniture Set ( Momimhar posted on August 20th, 2014 )

K has a new bed set.

K has a new bed set.

I am happy to share that my darling daughter has graduated from her toddler bed.  My dear husband and I put her big bed together last night and she was very excited to sleep in it.  It’s a full size bed so K and I fit in there very well.  Now I don’t have to have my legs hanging off the bed when reading a book to K at bedtime.  We bought this kid’s bedroom furniture set from a neighbor who had a moving sale two years ago.  The set was sold to us for $250.  I think we had a good deal.  And the pieces still looking great.

And because the new bed occupies most of the space in my daughter’s bedroom, I am taking away a few toys and toy storage that she doesn’t need.  I am not keeping some in the closet because  I already re-organized it.  I am thinking of donating some of the old toys, books, and other toddler items to charity.  There is big donation box close by where I can drop the stuff in.

About buying kid’s room furniture, there is always a good deal at garage sales or at online stores.  Though it takes you time to find one, it is worth checking.  We will surely have this furniture set in K’s bedroom for a while. K said she has a big girl’s bed now.  🙂

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