Category Archive:home remedies

Traveling With Baltic Amber ( Momimhar posted on April 4th, 2018 )

I always knew that I wanted a big family. Growing up I had one sibling. She was younger than me, by several years, and it often felt as if I was growing up an only child. I daydreamed about what it would be like to run around with someone my own age, to experience life’s milestones at the same time, and to have a forever friend from birth. So when I became older and got married, my husband and I established that we would start with three children and discuss any further children at a later date.

The first three were pretty easy. None of them experienced colic, bad teething phases, and generally got along well with each other. Their pregnancies were some of the best times of my life, and my husband would agree. After welcoming our third child into the world, we decided that we would have one more. After all, we had three boys and wanted to at least try for our girl.

Six months later we became pregnant with our fourth and last child, a girl. From the start, her pregnancy was rough. I had terrible morning sickness, my face broke out in the worst acne I had ever had (including my puberty years!), and I couldn’t stay awake. The bigger I got the more everything hurt. From my head down to my swollen feet, I was a hot mess. To top it all off, my anxiety had shot through the roof due to the impending cross country move that my husband’s job had thrown at us a few weeks after announcing our pregnancy.

I was doing research one night on homeopathic cures for my aches and pains. A fellow mother had suggested amber teething necklaces due to the anti-inflammatory properties. I had used them several times with my other children simply on the recommendation from other mother’s who’ve gone through teething, but had never actually looked into how they work. I knew they had worked on my first three, I just never knew why or how.

Baltic amber is found near the Baltic sea and is made from the sap that’s collected from it. The resin in the sap contains succinic acid, the main component responsible for amber’s healing properties. Succinic acid, as stated above, is an anti-inflammatory. Amber has many benefits, though, such as it’s natural immune boosters due to its antioxidant rich oils, and has even been said to help cure anxiety. Baltic amber has been used throughout history for centuries in countries surrounding the Baltic sea for this reason.

How does it work? Amber works best when worn because your body can heat the bead up, allowing for the succinic rich oils to seep through the surface and into your bloodstream. Once it’s absorbed by your body, you’ll start noticing it’s healing effects instantly.

The information I found sounded perfect! Not only could I wear the necklace to help cure my pregnancy related aches and pains, but it would also help cure the anxiety I felt surrounding my life changes.

Right before we delivered our last child, we made our first cross country move as a family of five. Things weren’t easy. We all needed time to adjust to our new surroundings, but things were about to change even more because our daughter was born one week to the day after we arrived.

As was her pregnancy, the infant phase didn’t provide much change. She was a force to be reckoned with from the start. She had her days and nights confused, she had trouble latching, and she just overall was not as laid back as our others. When the teething phase hit, I knew something had to give. I put a teething necklace on her ankle and prayed for the best. In two weeks time, I had noticed a complete 180 change in our daughter. She was happy and content, she slept through the night, and her gum inflammation was down. I knew it had to be because of the necklace.

Amber necklaces are not just for teething babies. If you’re experiencing pain in your joints or muscles, if you suffer from daily migraines or even anxiety, try out a Baltic amber necklace from for yourself! It didn’t only soothe my baby, it soothed myself during one of the most hectic times of my life. Trust Baltic amber, trust Mother Nature.


*This is a sponsored guest post.*

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Categories: baby care, Baltic amber, family, health, helpful tips, teething

Simple Yet Effective Home Remedies For Cough And Colds ( Momimhar posted on December 15th, 2017 )

I had a very busy week…’know why?  My darling daughter was sick for four days and I had to sub in a Kindergarten class today.

Sometimes, it is very depressing when our kids are sick.  We don’t get much sleep at night.  I myself keeps waking up checking my darling daughter’s temperature every couple of hours.  When she is coughing at night, I wake up also and try to soothe her coughing.  I feel restless.  I worry a lot.

Her congestion is not too bad this time, though.  I am relieved about that.  No severe nosebleeds either.  We are keeping ourselves as healthy as possible because of the flu season and I heard many cases of it this year.  Last winter was quite a challenge for us, health wise.

There are also absences at school due to sickness.  Teachers are getting the flu.  Some students go to school even though they are not feeling well.  They should rest at home for three days, at least, if they are coughing and running a fever.  I just feel bad hearing some kids coughing non-stop in the classroom.  🙁

Home remedies to soothe the cough and colds are not that difficult.  I always give my child freshly made lemonade or Calamansi juice daily.  At night, before going to bed, I rub Vicks Vapor Rub on her back.  I put a little amount of Petroleum Jelly in her nostrils and spray Saline Nasal Spray to keep her nose moisturized because she is prone to nosebleeds.  The linings in her nose are thin.  Our humidifier runs full blast overnight.  It helps keep the moisture in the air (humidity) in her bedroom.  My husband and I keep this routine every night diligently.  I think it is effective.

Keep a Humidifier Handy In Your Home ( Momimhar posted on January 9th, 2017 )

It is always during the fall and winter seasons when allergies hit my household.  I know it is normal but I admit it is very irritable.  What should we do to reduce or perhaps prevent allergies and sickness from getting worse? Stock up allergy medicines in our medicine cabinets, exercise more weekly, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink lots of water daily, and get a lot of rest whenever there’s a chance.  These are very helpful.  But winter time is not very friendly when it comes to health issues.  This is the time we get struck with common respiratory sickness like cough and colds.

Air-conditioning sometimes doesn’t help on this depending on the level of humidity inside our homes.  I am glad that the use of a humidifier can help balance the humidity level in the house.  The very first humidifier my dear husband and I bought three years ago was an invisible mist humidifier.  A couple of things I didn’t like about that one were buying filters and loud sound in the room.

I am thankful that Influenster has given me the opportunity to try Vicks EasyFill Cool Mist Humidifier for free.  It was one of the amazing gifts I received in December 2016.  It came just in time because we needed a new humidifier in the house.  We haven’t had a cool mist humidifier before.

Humidifier Demineralization Cartridge (TWT500) to help prevent white dust.


Quiet operation

Easy Fill

Easy to clean


No filters needed

Requires demineralization cartridge (hard water)

Vapor pads slots


Bigger than the average-sized humidifiers

A little pricey

If you want a quiet humidifier and you don’t want to buy filters more often, I recommend Vicks EasyFill Cool Mist Humidifier.  As for me and my household, this device is very helpful.  I have a child who is very sensitive to low humidity so I say this product is a keeper.


I received this product complimentary from Influenster for testing and review purposes.  

Interested in getting free product samples? click here for free sign up.

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Categories: allergies, health, helpful tips, home, home remedies, humidifier, respiratory health

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