And we got to take free pumpkins home.
Category Archive:bonding
Pumpkin Patch At The Blase Family Farm In Rockwall ( Momimhar posted on October 27th, 2015 )
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Categories: baby's firsts, Blase Family Farm, bonding, Fall, family, festival, kids, pumpkin patch, pumpkins, recreation, Texas
Carousel, Train, and Disney Store ( Momimhar posted on September 13th, 2014 )
After a very fun double birthday celebration this afternoon, I took my darling daughter to the mall. It’s been a while since our last visit to the Stonebriar Centre in Frisco, Texas. Besides the play area, there is a carousel located on the second level by the food court. That’s what K asks me sometimes – if we can go to the mall where the round-about is. And because my girl friend’s daughters’ birthday party was held at her house in Frisco, I thought I’d take K to Stonebriar mall and let her ride the carousel. Oh she got so excited when she saw the big carousel. The cost to per ride is $2. But there are two token machines where you can get tokens. I bought 5 tokens and boy, K had fun switching horses. I felt a little dizzy after that five 2-3 minutes duration spins.
I didn’t know that the Disney Store is just right across the food court. So when we got off the carousel, K quickly saw the store. Oh my goodness! She wanted to go inside. And so, today was quite memorable because it’s the first time she went to the Disney Store. K was very fascinated with the Disney characters on display, the toys, and the castle. Some of the stuff for sale aren’t cheap so I was kind of nervous K will ask me to buy something out of the budget. And she did. She said she wanted to get a new tea set and she picked the Belle character tea set. But I told her it’s a little expensive so I talked her into buying something else. She found the Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip castle set. The price was lower than the tea set so I bought it for her. Good thing I didn’t buy the pair of shoes I saw earlier at Dillards. Whew.
We had a little snack at the food court then we went for a stroll in the mall for a few minutes. I remembered seeing a train traveling around on the lower level of the mall. My darling daughter enjoys riding on a train. So I let her ride the train for a little while. It was $4.35 per ticket per ride, by the way. Then I got the chance to sit down and rest my feet. I was on my feet for at least an hour, you know.
On our way home, K kept talking about the carousel ride and the trip to the Disney Store. I heard lots of “Thank you’s”. I am happy knowing that she had a great time. Mother and daughter day out is exhausting but seeing my child happy makes me feel happy.
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Categories: amusement rides, bonding, entertainment, kids, occasion, shopping, toys
Super Hero Is The Big Thing ( Momimhar posted on July 9th, 2014 )
Darling daughter is getting more and more engaged in playing super hero games. I guess it is very normal with young children. She began showing interest with kiddie super heroes when she was two years old. She got fascinated with Tree Fu Tom and Mike The Knight at first. After a while she started liking Paw Patrol, Scoobydooby Doo, Ninja Turtles, and The Incredibles. When we are playing pretend at home, she is the super hero and I am always the bad guy. 🙂
We borrow kids’ movies DVD and books at the library. Whenever we watch them, DD immediately imitates the part where the lead character of the movie saves day. Sometimes she creates her own scene. And I become a part of it. It is funny because when I pretend to be mean, she will do karate. Hahaha!
Oh it is really precious when we play and have fun with our children. We see how delightful they are when we join them and become a part of their imagination. I remember when I was doing my morning walk one day, three years ago, an elderly asked me how far along I was. I answered seven months. He said, “Congratulations! Do you know the gender yet?”. I said, “Yes. It’s a girl.” Then he said, “Love her. They grow so fast.”
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Categories: bonding, entertainment, family, kids, lifestyle, motherhood, toddler stage