Category Archive:family values

Merry Christmas to You and Yours #Christmas2016 ( Momimhar posted on December 24th, 2016 )

Have yourself a Merry Christmas.

It’s amazing how time flies these days.  It’s Christmas time again. Are you traveling to see family and friends and spend time with them this holiday season? Or, are you staying home and host a big Christmas Party? Whichever it is, I bet it’s going be a wonderful event for everyone.

As for me and my family, we are celebrating Christmas Day at my parents-in-law’s home in Tyler.  While making this post, my dear husband is currently prepping the brisket to put in the oven in a few for tomorrow’s Christmas Day dinner.

This Christmas Eve, we attended the church service at 6:00 P.M.  When we got home after church and had dinner, we started the party.  The children could not wait to open their Christmas presents.  So after dinner, we head on and started the Christmas Party. They started opening gifts from the youngest kid to the oldest.  Boy, they were so excited and anxious!

Opening Christmas presents.

So, the young ones had a great time opening their presents.  I think everybody loved the stuff they got from the family.  K was so excited to see if Santa will give her nice gifts for Christmas.  We brought the reindeer food she received from the class Christmas Party at school since we’re at the grandparents’ house.  We had to make sure Santa will stop by and drop off her presents.  🙂 Na-Na helped her scatter the reindeer food in the backyard.  (FYI: Reindeer food is a mixture of oatmeal and glitters or sparkles.)

After the kids’ unwrapping presents, it was adults turn to open gifts and play the White Elephant Gift Exchange. We missed my brother-in-law and his wife in this year’s family Christmas Party because they’re both sick.  Nephew M is in Florida and niece M and her family will be coming over tomorrow, Christmas Day.

It was a fun evening. So thankful for family, love, time, and the blessings we received all year.

Tradition – Thanksgiving Luncheon At School ( Momimhar posted on November 19th, 2016 )

Turkeys in disguise.

Turkeys in disguise.

K’s school had a Thanksgiving Luncheon Thursday.  The Pre-K and Kindergarten students had lunch first at 10:15 A.M.  My darling daughter was very happy and excited because there were so many parents, grandparents, and guardians came to join at lunch.

After lunch I walked K to her classroom and saw their turkey arts and crafts displayed on the wall in the hallway.  It was a family project to disguise the turkey.  In the picture below, K was pointing to her turkey in disguise as a Japanese girl.

Thanksgiving Lunch at school

Thanksgiving Lunch at school

It’s pretty nice to be able to join my child in school’s events and special occasions.  She feels happy and confident.  I feel the same, too.

I am also glad that many parents, grandparents, and guardians join their students in this special holiday and keeps the tradition going forever.

Give Thanks All Year Long ( Momimhar posted on November 19th, 2016 )

Thanksgiving arts and crafts.

Thanksgiving arts and crafts.

Give thanks — all year long.  Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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