Category Archive:home

Is a Screen Door Protector Worth It? ( Momimhar posted on February 7th, 2021 )

A gorgeous front porch or back porch with a perfectly taut, brand-new screen door. Or at least, this is what you remember. But perhaps now, with kids, pets, high-traffic, online-delivery orders, and simple everyday wear and tear you find your screen looking shoddy. Or perhaps even worse, there are holes or tears in our once-gorgeous screen doors, and now you have to entirely replace or repair them.

If you’ve wondered how to prevent this from happening, whether you are a new homeowner or someone having to replace their door screens, never fear! There is a solution that will help your screens last longer: a screen door protector.

A screen door protector is a rugged, strong additional barrier between the world and your screen doors, saving you the cost and headache of repairs and replacements. But is a screen door protector worth it?


Anyone who has owned a larger breed of dog no doubt has fond memories of them believing they are still puppies. From attempting to fit into your lap even when they’re simply too big to their excited greetings that can almost bowl a person over. In many ways, they forget their strength, especially around a window or door when they see us coming home or the errant squirrel run by.

How Can a Pet Damage a Screen Door?

  • Your dog may excitedly scratch at the door screen which can rip thin, fabric-based screens or bend the strands in metal screens such as aluminum. Some dogs or cats may do this to try and tell you they wish to go outside, while others, like cats, react this way to things of interest such as a bird flying past, a squirrel, or another cat running outside.
  • Easily excited dogs may simply forget the door is there in their rush to greet their favorite human, protect their territory, or try and chase something. This can often result in a full-body collision between the dog and the door screen. Depending on the size and weight of him or her, this could result in a torn screen or even a bent frame which renders your door screen useless.
  • Cats are natural climbers and often use their claws to help them do so. Unfortunately, cat claws and fabric-based mesh screens tear easily. Cat claws can push the mesh open, leaving larger holes for the insects it once kept out to come buzzing in as well as cause larger tears in the screen.

If you have noticed some of these pet damages already or have found yourself having to replace a screen in a door then no doubt a screen door protector will be a viable solution for you. Several different screen door protectors can help you address this issue without the worry of disrupting your outdoor decor or curb appeal of your home. Coming in several different colors and sizes to fit a wide array of doors, you will find these easy to use and attach.

Toddlers or Young Children

No doubt if you have children around the toddler age-range you’re familiar with and have already done a lot of child-proofing to keep your precious little ones safe. However, you also know that rambunctious kids can cause damages accidentally. Screen doors can also be less-than-safe for very young children. There’s a risk of pinching their fingers, damaging the screen or frame, or worse, escaping through them if they push too heavily on them.

To help protect the safety of your child most importantly, and your screen doors second, a screen door protector is the best option for both. A screen door protector preserves the view, can add a bit of style to your doors, and keep your little one protected at the same time.

What Sort of Screen Doors Should I Get?

  • Imperial sliding screen door guards come in a variety of widths and colors such as anodized, bronze, white, tan, champagne, and black. These screen door protectors feature a gorgeous Florentine pattern based on traditional Bargello needlepoint that not only allows an excellent, unobstructed view but stylish touch to your door.
  • Swinging screen door guards are made with premium, heavy-duty aluminum to resist excited puppies or climbing cats and available in a variety of décor matching colors. Using a pressed, dimpled outer frame also guarantees that the door guard is rattle-free and soundless.

Is It Worth It?

The bottom line, it is. A screen door protector serves a multitude of purposes that are all exceedingly excellent. Protection for your screen, your pets, your children, your investment, the screens, and the screen frames themselves all in one convenient package. All while looking attractive and allowing you to see clearly out your screen door. Invest in an excellent screen door protector for the longevity of your screens and the protection of those you love within your home.

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Categories: home, home protection

K Loves Christmas Decorating Our Christmas Tree ( Momimhar posted on December 2nd, 2019 )

K loves decorating our Christmas tree.

Christmas decorating is one of our favorite things to do and it’s the time of year again to do so. As soon as we got home from the Thanksgiving Day visit with the family we helped our daddy bring all the Holiday decorations down from the attic. I bought a new Christmas tree from Target when it went on special last year. From $69.00 for a 7-foot tall tree, it went down to $25 with free shipping.

Darling daughter loves decorating our Christmas tree. I let her put some of the ornaments on the Christmas tree while I look for the special ones I kept in my closet. “Good luck,” said the hubby. 😀 Fortunately, I found it in no time. DD took a break from decorating so I took the opportunity to rearrange the ornaments and finish up trimming the tree.

Our Christmas Tree 2019.

Presenting our Christmas tree for 2019. We’re so delighted with the result. Ninety five percent of the hanging ornaments were from the previous years’. I didn’t buy any new ones this year.

Pinkie Elf is back.

This morning we saw our scout elf on the mantle. Pinkie Elf is back. Darling daughter was wondering when will Pinkie be back. She was talking about her elf during Thanksgiving Break. DD went to sleep happy.

Savoring the Happiness in Simple Things ( Momimhar posted on September 29th, 2019 )

Bird feeder repair.

It was a very pleasant morning today. The temperature this morning was in the 70s so I decided to spent some time enjoying it on the front porch. My dear husband came out of the house from the garage and checked the yard. He said the grass needs mowing. He didn’t want to wait for the coming weekend to mow because those grass stalks will two feet tall by then.

“Good idea,” I told him. “Also, the feeder needs a platform so the birds can at least perch on to peck on the seeds. I saw a small bird earlier having a hard time bending its head to get some seeds in there,” I added.

“It’s a cheap bird feeder from Home Depot and the maker I guess didn’t think about it,” he said.

So he got a piece of wood and trimmed it to a size where the bird feeder could be glued with more space for the birds to perch. Hearing the noise in the garage, my curious darling daughter came out. When she learned about the plan, she volunteered to help. She helped gluing the bird feeder onto the square wood. After an hour, they refilled the feeder and hung back to the tree. Teamwork makes it work. 🙂

I was just watching my loves while they work–savoring the happiness in simple things.

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Categories: family, family fun, happy children, happy family, home

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