Category Archive:dress up

Magical Play Time With Fantasy Friends Slime Surprise ( Momimhar posted on July 6th, 2020 )

Rainbow Fantasy Friends Poopsie Slime Surprise

Awesome treat we received in the mail. These cute Rainbow Fantasy Friends little dolls set are adorable.

Each package contains a doll set includes slime kit, mini doll, doll pacifier, small spoon for mixing the slime, and a packet of scented glitter. It was really fun playing with these cute mini dolls. They come in different styles. These are great collectibles, too. Check out our Instagram post below for magical playtime ideas.

*Items received for free. Opinions are my own.

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Categories: dolls, dress up, kids, toys

Boo On Ballard 2015, Foam Party Pit, And Photo With Miss Texas 2015 ( Momimhar posted on October 31st, 2015 )

Ginormica costume (photo from

Ginormica costume (photo from

Alright, so my darling daughter had firmly decided that she wanted to be Ginormica or Suzan from Monsters vs. Aliens this Halloween.  I thought she would insist to be Raven from Teen Titans Go since she really liked that character in the show.  So three weeks before today, I looked for Ginormica costume online.  I knew it would be difficult to find one in the stores.  As usual, I found one on Amazon.  For the price of $9.99 with free shipping (as a Prime member), I admit that the costume was a great deal.  Even though the material of the costume is 100% polyester and seems like the quality is for a one-time wear, I still bought the costume for my daughter.  She really liked it.  She even told me that she’s gonna wear it forever.  Oh the happiness of a child is priceless.

So we went to the Boo on Ballard Street in Downtown Wylie on Thursday, October 29th, with my cousin Em and her two toddler girls, AC and Lexi.  It was a huge success and it was so much fun as usual.  Like other annual events in town, it’s always a well-attended event.  Wylie Chamber of Commerce in cooperation of the local businesses, institutions, and the general public made this a successful event for children, youth, and the grown ups.  There were lots of treats, giveaways, activities, and attractions for everyone.

Trunk or Treat

Glow in The Dark (held at the Olde Wylie Park Playground) – Foam Party Pit, Zipline, Giant Slides, Music, Games

Photo Opp with Miss America – Miss Texas 2015

Ready for Trick or Treat at Boo on Ballard.

Ready for Trick or Treat at Boo on Ballard.


a-k and cousins with Miss Texas 2015

Miss Texas 2015 taking a group photo with the girls. 🙂

Because of the very long long line of trick or treaters going counter clockwise, we didn’t finish the Trick or Treat on Ballard.  We took the girls to the Glow in The Dark at the playground.  We didn’t even see what other activities were in there because K and AC wanted to go to the Foam Party Pit.  It was 10 minutes until the event was over so we just let the two girls go.  The inflatable has a machine blowing non-toxic foam bubbles as it makes waves.  The kids were having fun diving into the bubbly foam.  Of course, they’re all wet and cold.  When the two came out of the foam pit, Lexi wanted to go but it was 8:00 P.M. and the in-charge stopped letting kids in.  K and AC had lots of fun but they got really cold.  🙂  Good thing I had a towel and a t-shirt in the trunk of my car so I lend Em the towel so she can wipe AC dry.  I let K wear the big t-shirt.

Look at that foam pit!

Look at that foam pit!

Em and me at Boo on Ballard.

Em and me at Boo on Ballard.

Playing Dress Up – Disney Princess ( Momimhar posted on January 28th, 2014 )

My cousin and her family came over to see us on Sunday to talk about the pick up arrangements at the airport.  As you may know, they are leaving next Monday for the Philippines to see her family and to have a family vacation.   They are flying together with her sister and niece who live in Oregon.  The visit wasn’t that long so the little girls were like, “Awww…!  We want to play still.”  They were planning to dress up that day.  But we promised cousin Audrey will come over for a play time and dress up the next day.

So she came back and Kaye was very happy to see her again.  As promised, I let them play dress up.  They wanted to be like a Disney Princess so I let them pick gowns.  Kaye wants to wear Princess Aurora’s gown.  And Audrey wants to wear Belle’s gown.  The girls had a great time playing together with the dollhouse I bought for $15.  They looked really pretty.

Playing Dress Up with Audrey.  DD is Princess Aurora and Audrey is Princess Belle.

Playing Dress Up with Audrey. DD is Princess Aurora and Audrey is Princess Belle.

Kaye and Audrey love being with each other.  Though a conflict on something like sharing arises, and Kaye gets upset most of the time, they makeup and be friends again after a little while.  I guess it is a part of their development as toddlers.  Parents like me shall always stay calm and patient.

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