Contact Me ( Momimhar posted on March 3rd, 2011 )

Welcome to Bright Bundles!  For inquiries and concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at:  mgmarly at gmail dot com.

I hope you keep coming back.  Thank you very much.

13 responses

  1. Moms Babies says:

    Hi mom, may we exchange links?
    I add your link to my blogroll
    thank you

  2. Marilyn says:

    I enjoy your site!

  3. balut says:

    u may want to exchange links with me, let me know pls. here’s my link details:
    TITLE: Balut Manila
    LOCATION: Philippines


    • Momimhar says:

      hello, thanks for stopping by. surely I will add you here. I will let you know ASAP when done okay?

  4. Snapsam :) says:

    Hello! I was here visiting! By the way would you like to do exchanging link and follow each other? 😉

  5. AJ says:

    I came across your website and found it very enjoyable. I just had a couple of questions so if you could e-mail me back that would be great!

  6. Hello Mharms! How are you? Sorry for my late reply. By the way I already added your link. Thank you for adding mine. Keep in touch 🙂

    • Momimhar says:

      Hi, I am doing great. busy with the little one 🙂
      No problem, glad you added my link too 🙂 take care.

  7. ki$$er says:

    nice blog..

  8. Elena says:

    Hello Momimhar

    Today I found your nice side. So much Christmas greats from Germany. I`m very agree with your opinion and statement about circumcision of boys.
    I love your culture, how the Filipino women care the genital health of all boys. Even I love your ceremony during the boys get new proper designed.
    Unfortunately get in Germany only 20% of boys circumcised. I think every boy should be get circumcised short pre-puberty!
    It should be compulsory for every boy for all this advantages of clean, health for men and women and education during the puberty!
    I don`t like circumcisions of babies how in the USA usual, but I think the age of 10 or 11 years is very well. Of course the boys feel some pain few moments and after the procedure, but it`s nothing for all advantages and at the relation of women birth. Some pain must feel every people in live, for good thinks.

    Of course I leave my two boys circumcised with 10 and 12 years under local anesthesia. I would wish me in my country our ceremony par example in a great sports hall. All boys in class 6 or 7 must go together to his great, important procedure for fine development in the future.
    I would to be enjoyed for answer of you.
    Regards Elena

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