Media Kit ( Momimhar posted on September 9th, 2015 )

Mommy’s Bright Bundles blog is about family, kids, parenting, parties, and home life.  You will find good family lifestyle recommendations here.  My site is family-friendly, surf-friendly, and mobile-friendly. Audience are of all ages.

If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact me at mgmarly at gmail dot com.


Alexa Rank – 375,376

Domain Authority – 31 (as of September 9, 2015)

Social Media Followers

Facebook – 1,559 (I prefer to share my content with my friends and family thru my own FB account directly.)

Twitter (@mgmhar)- 1120

Instagram ( 2029

Pinterest (@mgmar)- 345

My YouTube Channel – 87

Google+ (Mhar Mg)  – 325

PR Friendly

This blog is also open to sponsored posts and sponsored ads.

Product and Service Reviews

Honest reviews on products and services tried and tested are showcased on the blog.  All opinions are my own.  If you have products you want us to try, please contact me –  I would be glad to work with you.

Guest Post

Guest posts are welcome, of course.  That would be awesome to have additional contribution on my blog as long as the articles are relevant to my niche, family-friendly, non-violent, and not adult content (we all know what that means, right?).  As per link placement, please contact me.  I also wanted to emphasize that once a guest post is placed on my blog, it will become my own.


Mommy’s Bright Bundles hosts sponsored and non-sponsored* giveaways.  Services, items, or products given away thru contests or raffles are provided by the sponsors with free shipping costs.

*Non-sponsored – giveaways/contests conducted by the blog author.

Copyright 2025 Mommy's Bright Bundles